
来源:今日热点网 2023-06-20 16:25:06
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全球化学品和添加剂分销市场领导者布伦泰格(ISIN DE000A1DAHH0)今天宣布收购上海赛福化工发展有限公司(“赛福”),该公司是中国杰出的个人护理化学品领域的特种化学品分销商之一。


布伦泰格特种化学品部门首席运营官Michael Friede评论道:“我们在执行“制胜战略”方面取得了长足进步,并在有吸引力的市场中稳步增长,尤其是在生命科学领域。与赛福在中国的合作是其中重要的一步,此举将扩大我们在该地区和亚洲个人护理化学品市场的布局并加强我们的增值服务和创新能力。”他补充道:“我非常欢迎赛福团队的所有新同事加入布伦泰格,并期待着与你们一起扩大我们在中国和亚太地区的影响力和客户群。”


赛福董事经理余涛:“成为世界最大的化学品和添加剂分销商布伦泰格大家庭中的一员,是对客户、供应商、员工和股东都有利的事情。我们宗旨是建立在价值和责任的原则之上的,这与布伦泰格的理念完全一致。我们希望作为布伦泰格大家庭的一部分,发展并继续为我们当前和未来的客户和供应商合作伙伴提供服务 。”



布伦泰格是全球化学品和添加剂分销市场的领导者。公司在连接化工行业的客户和供应商方面发挥着核心作用。布伦泰格部位于德国埃森,在全球拥有超过17500名员工,在72个国家运营着约600个服务网络。2022年,布伦泰格的销售额约为194亿欧元。布伦泰格基础化学品和布伦泰格特种化学品这两个全球部门提供工业和特种化学品以及配料的全系列产品组合,量身定制的应用、营销和供应链解决方案、技术和配方支持、全面的监管知识,以及广泛的行业数字化解决方案。在可持续发展领域,布伦泰格追求特定的目标,并致力于在自己的行业和所服务的领域中提供可持续的解决方案。布伦泰格股票自2010年起在法兰克福证券交易上市,自2021年9月起在DAX上市。此外,Brenntag SE股票被列入在DAX 50 ESG和DAX 目标ESG 。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.brentag.com。

Brenntag Specialties significantly expands Life Science presence in China with acquisition of Shanghai Saifu Chemical

Essen, June 20, 2023

Brenntag (ISIN DE000A1DAHH0), the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution, today announced the acquisition of Shanghai Saifu Chemical Development Co., Ltd.(“Saifu”), one of the most respected market leaders in specialty distribution with expertise in Personal Care Chemicals in China.

The acquisition of Saifu in China fits Brenntag’s acquisition strategy as a leading consolidator in the industry and the goal of positioning Brenntag Specialties as the global go-to service partner for innovative and sustainable solutions.

Michael Friede, Chief Operating Officer of Brenntag Specialties, comments: “We are taking great strides with the execution of our ‘Strategy to Win’ and growing in attractive markets, especially within the Life Sciences sector. Joining forces with Saifu in China is a significant step, expanding our global Specialties footprint in the region and in the Asian Personal Care market and strengthening our value-added services offering and innovation capabilities.” He added: “I want to welcome all our new colleagues of the Saifu team to Brenntag and look forward to expanding our reach and customer base here in China and in Asia Pacific together with you.”

Founded in 2005, Saifu distributes personal care ingredients, coatings, emulsion polymerization, and cleaning chemicals and provides related solution services. The company currently has over 100 employees and serves more than 1,000 customers in the Greater China region. Saifu provides customers with formulation expertise and product innovation services through a dedicated technology application center with two laboratories.

Yu Tao, Managing Director of Saifu: “Our customers, suppliers, shareholders, and our employees will greatly benefit from becoming part of Brenntag, which is the largest chemical and ingredients distribution company in the world. We are built on the principles of value and responsibility, attributes which Brenntag stands for as well, and we hope to grow and continue to serve our current and future customers and supply partners as part of the Brenntag family.”

Saifu had an annual revenue of 71 million EUR in 2022. Closing of the transaction is expected in later this year, after the fulfilment of customary closing conditions.

About Brenntag:

Brenntag is the global market leader in chemicals and ingredients distribution. The company holds a central role in connecting customers and suppliers of the chemical industry. Headquartered in Essen, Germany, Brenntag has more than 17,500 employees worldwide and operates a network of about 600 sites in 72 countries. In 2022, Brenntag generated sales of around 19.4 billion EUR. The two global divisions, Brenntag Essentials and Brenntag Specialties, provide a full-line portfolio of industrial and specialty chemicals and ingredients as well as tailor-made application, marketing and supply chain solutions, technical and formulation support, comprehensive regulatory know-how, and digital solutions for a wide range of industries. In the field of sustainability, Brenntag pursues specific goals and is committed to sustainable solutions in its own sector and the industries served. Brenntag shares have been listed at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2010, in the DAX since September 2021. In addition, the Brenntag SE shares are listed in the DAX 50 ESG and DAX ESG Target. For more information, visit www.brenntag.com.


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