
来源:看点时报 2024-11-25 10:12:19
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今年8月,马宁宁在中国女子职业高尔夫球巡回赛实习期间,报道了上海FILA GOLF女子菁英赛的比赛,还遇见了在2023年自己参加职业业余配对赛时认识的职业球员。高尔夫是一项变化极大的运动,正如围棋“千古无同局”,同一个球场也不可能每次都打出相同的结果。


许多时候,马宁宁会为了考级飞往全国各地:在北京考自由潜水二星、在三亚考冲浪ASI、在广州考帆船101、在成都考高尔夫教练证、在郑州考游泳救生员。她表示,运动和旅游是她现在的生活方式。她喜欢打卡奢华酒店和City walk去感受市中心的建筑风格,马宁宁已经走过中国19个省和美国13个州。






“我母亲经常和我说,‘永远要靠自己。’” 马宁宁的母亲是自己做企业的,她认可妇女能顶半边天。马宁宁表示,她希望自己能够成为像母亲那样的人。


马宁宁:加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)本科;中国高尔夫协会教练证;双板滑雪社会指导员证;网球PTR初级教练证;帆船ASA101证书;自由潜水AIDA二星;冲浪ASI Level 2;钢琴英皇八级;跆拳道黑带;拉丁舞CBDF金星二级;摩登舞银牌;中国首届WNBF自然健美健身公开赛女子形体组季军。

After graduating from an international high school, Ningning Ma began learning various outdoor sports, including golf, wakesurfing, equestrianism, polo, alpine skiing, freediving, sailing, and paragliding. Over the years, she has explored extreme sports ranging from the sky to the sea.

Wakesurfing, golf, and equestrianism are Ningning Ma’s top three favorite sportsIn November, she participated in the IWWF Wakesurf World Cup Haikou 2024 and earned 4th place in the Women's Skim Amateur Group. By engaging with athletes from around the world, Ningning gained valuable insights into the development of wakesurfing and the training methodologies commonly used in Western countries.

In August, during her internship at the China Women's Professional Golf Tour (China LPGA), Ningning Ma reported on the FILA GOLF Women's Classic in Shanghai and met professional players she had encountered at the 2023 China LPGA Professional-Amateur Pairing Tournament. Golf is a sport full of variables. Just like Go, which has no identical game, it is impossible to play the same shot on the same course twice.

Ningning Ma frequently travels across the country for various exams: she took the Freediving Level 2 exam in Beijing, the ASI Surfing exam in Sanya, the ASA 101 Sailing exam in Guangzhou, the golf coach certification exam in Chengdu, and the swimming lifeguard exam in Zhengzhou. She describes sports and travel as her current lifestyle, enjoying stays at luxury hotels and city walks to experience the architectural styles of city centers. Ningning Ma has traveled to 19 provinces in China and 13 states in the U.S.

“I believe golf and skiing are the best ways to experience the scenery, allowing you to quietly enjoy the purest connection between humans and nature.”

Ningning Ma has a habit of documenting her travels and has written over 100 travel blogs on her WeChatofficialaccount, with several articles gaining over 100,000 views. She previously worked as an English teacher at New Oriental in Beijing and has always worked in study abroad planning.She says she is very organized and always follows through step by step after setting goals.

As an education and sports blogger, Ningning Ma has 50,000 followers on her video account, with her highest weekly views reaching over 10 million. She has also connected with many like-minded friends and gained inspiration from different fields.

In the process of learning these sports, Ningning Ma discovered a significant gender disparity, with very few women participating. This may be due to economic and cultural limitations that restrict women's freedom. Additionally, society's beauty standards, which prioritize being 'fair, young, and slim,' often discourage women from participating in outdoor sports that may result in tanning. Ningning Ma hopes to inspire more women to pursue what they love. She also hopes that, by setting an example, she can change the mindset of other girls and expand their standards of beauty.

Ningning Ma took many feminism courses during her undergraduate studies in the United States. The project she organized to provide career planning guidance for impoverished girls in Hainan won a TOP 10 award in the 2020 Gender Equality Social Innovation Competition organized by UN Women. Her undergraduate thesis explored the effects of higher education on the relationships and lives of rural women and their families in China. Through interviews, Ningning Ma found that many rural girls from male-preference families were able to improve their relationships with their parents after gaining economic independence. She believes that the love of East Asian parents is often conditional.

“My mother often tells me, ‘Always rely on yourself.’” Ningning Ma’s mother runs her own business and believes that women hold up half the sky.Ningning Ma says she hopes to become someone like her mother.

The base fundamentally determines the superstructure, but not everyone has the same foundation.Feminism strives for a world where even the marginalized are respected, because meritocracy alienates everyone equally.

Ningning Ma: A.B. in Gender Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); China Golf Association coaching certification; Alpine skiing instructor certification; PTR Level 1 tennis coaching certification; ASA 101 Sailing Certification, AIDA Level 2 Freediving Certification, ASI Level 2 Surfing Certification, ABRSM Grade 8 Piano, Taekwondo Black Belt, Latin Dance China Ballroom Dance Federation (CBDF) Gold Star 2, Modern Dance (CBDF) SilverMedal, 3rd Place in the Women's Physique Group at the 2023 WNBF China Open International Championships.

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